Scholarships Terms & Conditions

  • Applicable to all accredited courses offered by Inscape Education Group including all Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Arts (undergraduate only), Diploma and Higher Certificate courses.
  • Scholarships will only be awarded to successful candidates enrolling for first-year, undergraduate studies, in 2025.
  • Applicable to contact (attending lectures at a national Inscape campus) mode of studies only.
  • All participants must be eligible to study for the applicable course as per their National Senior Certificate results.
  • Entrants must be able to start studying at one of the national Inscape learning hubs in 2025.
  • Applications are open to South African citizens only.
  • Applicants must have a valid South African ID card or book.
  • Scholarships funds include partial or full tuition fees as well as the provision of the first-year study pack.
  • Scholarship funds exclude monthly consumables, insurance on devices, transport, parking fees, administration fees, transfer or resubmission fees and accommodation.
  • Continued scholarship funding, post-2025, is subject to the student’s achievement of the minimum promotion requirements for the 1st and 2nd year (applicable to degree and diploma scholarship recipients).
  • Higher certificate recipients will be required to reapply for funding should they wish to enrol for a degree or a diploma at Inscape.
  • Scholarship recipients must complete their studies within the minimum prescribed course length.
  • Should the beneficiary fail or drop out of the program, they will be held liable for the full study pack and MacBook/Laptop that Inscape provides for the period of your studies.
  • The scholarship funds are non-transferable, and the beneficiaries chosen are final and subject to Inscape’s discretion.
  • Applications must be made online via the Scholarship portal and no applications will be accepted at any of Inscape’s national campuses.
  • Scholarship recipients must submit a certified copy of their National Senior Certificate to Inscape once they have received them.
  • Should the scholarship recipients not meet the minimum requirements for entrance into the course applied for, the student will forfeit the scholarship.
  • Scholarship beneficiaries have one week to confirm acceptance of the scholarship as well as all pre-requisites laid out in the terms and conditions. Thereafter they are required to enrol by completing their enrolment process online within one week of acceptance to secure their place at Inscape Education Group for 2025.
  • The scholarship programme will launch on the 1st of October and entries will close on the 31st of October.
    Scholarship recipients are Inscape ambassadors and as such are required to act appropriately and acceptably.
  • This includes but is not limited to passing all modules, submitting assignments by the required deadlines, class punctuality and acceptable attendance of lectures presented (as per Inscape Policies and Procedures)
    Scholarship students who receive partial scholarships are expected to ensure that their fees are up to date and communicate any problems that may arise through the right channels following the correct procedures.
  • As Inscape ambassadors, scholarship students will also be expected to get involved with institutional and promotional activities on campus.
  • Scholarships are awarded at the sole discretion of the Inscape Education Group and no other influence will be permitted or considered.
  • Scholarship students are also held accountable for the study pack and equipment that Inscape has provided to them. Equipment must be looked after, maintained and insured.
  • Scholarship students are also expected to act in line with Inscape’s Policies and Procedures as well as the student’s code of conduct laid out in the institutional handbook.
  • Should the student not comply with the rules and regulations above and adhere to Inscape Education Groups Student Code of Conduct as well as Policies and Procedures the scholarship will be withdrawn and all equipment provided by Inscape must be returned.
  • All eligibility and qualifying requirements must be met. Applications close on the 31st of October at midnight.
  • No late applications will be considered.

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