- Every Inscape Campus is the most creative campus you’ve ever seen
- Everyone looks like a rockstar
- Having Pizza to celebrate the end of the semester
- Drinking Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows on Campus
- When this is just a normal day on campus
- Pulling an all-nighter to hand in your assignment early, just because you love what you’re doing
aaa - Working late at night, crouched over your desk next to a lamp
- Inscape Beach Days
- Contemplating if handing a brownie in with your assignment might be a good idea
- Having a photo next to this sign
- Enjoying a very healthy, very balanced diet while studying for tests
- Baking a cake for an actual assignment and letting your lecturer eat it for actual marks.
- Taking a break on this couch between classes
- Getting fun and magical gifts
- Making your tech look #artsy